
High Lander: Catering Drone Fleet Management with Autonomous Airspace Control

Ido Yahalomi , Founder
Team High Lander

Since AI develops as rapidly as we have seen in recent years, we will soon find highly automated and comprehensive solutions that will further increase the added value of using drones. But companies must consider that drones and artificial intelligence only make sense if it saves the user's money and time. Headquartered in Israel, High Lander develops an end to end drone flight plan solution which enables long distances safety of the drone regardless of drone model and size.

"High Lander transforms regular drones into super drones with the help of AI, we call it drone on steroids which make this company unique from the market. We do not build drones; we provide software which makes it more efficient to work with", said Ido Yahalomi, Founder, High Lander.

Solutions and Product for Drone Technology
High Lander has developed a unique solution for the administration of commercial drone airports allowing drones to deal with the problem of short battery life. By establishing widespread autonomous airports, the company can manage any type of UAVs, host the drones, recharge their battery and send them to their final destination. Also, High Lander developed an optimized end to end drone flight plan solution named Houston (a High Lander's API). Houston enables an autonomous long
distance and endless time of flight for commercial drones regardless of drone's model and size.

More so, these solutions of the company provide various benefits to the customers. The drone services provided by High Lander are costeffective. As opposed to human guards, who charge USD 100,000 over year, High Lander package costs are 25 percent to 50 percent of one human guard cost. High Lander's solution empowers security guards and force multiplier by combining drones & ground patrols thereby achieving higher precision surveillance. Also, the company's superior mobility and large coverage area for drones can drastically reduce response time to attempted security breaches. The company's various other products ensure further polished performance of drones. Firstly, Infinity is a non stop flight solution that allows the management of continuous events at a specific location by combining air traffic control and mission management. The infinity system allows aerial continuity while performing complex tasks, all in a fully autonomous way. The other product is Delivery. As Amazon, Google, Walmart, and other market players plan on using delivery drones by the end of 2019, battery capacity places distance constraints on drone delivery capabilities.

The company is developing software which converts off the shelf drones into Super drones without using any hardware in the middle

Warehouse to customer distance is larger than today's drone maximum flight distance. "High Lander's strategically placed rechargers (High Lander autonomous airports) will provide boundless delivery ranges, defined only by the number of airports available. High Lander is a cross platform solution that creates drones on steroids. The company is developing software which converts off the shelf drones into Super drones without using any hardware in the middle", said Alon Abelson, CEO, High Lander.

While Security is one of High Lander's future endeavors, the company is also keen on constructing drones for agriculture field. Besides this, as Amazon gets permission to fly delivery drones over US, the demand for drone is predicted to increase next year. As High Lander's business philosophy is agnostic in nature, the company plans on providing drone airports to all companies of the likes of Amazon, UPS and DHL with all the security concerns. In this fast changing world with more and more focus being placed on the use of drones, increasing flight time will be the unquestionable next step for High Lander.